If you have sexual problems, we are able to help you!

  • 2014 April 23

If you have sexual problems, we are able to help you!Vaginal Narrower is a contemporary solution to female ailments connected to the reproductive system. Post-birth damage of vaginal muscles, incorrect suturing, or age-related posterior vaginal wall prolapse are only a few of numerous problems that inhibit normal activity for many women. Vaginal Narrower is recommended for women who suffer from lowered sexual satisfaction, recurring genital infections, incontinence of vaginal discharge and pelvic organ prolapse. Vaginal Narrower is a minimally-invasive gynecological procedure, which significantly improves the cell structure of sex organs. As a result, the vulval introitus is narrowed, which decreases the chance of infection and strengthens the vulval vestibule muscles and tissues. The treatment also improves the general aesthetics of external genitalia

Vaginal Narrower has revolutionized surgical methods of rejuvenating the groin muscle. The technique involves the use of special threads with converging bidirectional anchors, which reduce the size of the vaginal entrance. The threads are made of caprolactone and polydioxanone, which are completely soluble and provide an instantaneous aesthetic effect. In the area where the sutures have been applied, stimulated production of collagen takes place.

The procedure is conducted by a physician after a gynecological test and proper diagnosis. Contraindications include cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and pregnancy. Planned conception does not constitute a contraindication against the application of the threads. Theprocedure is conducted under local anesthesia or short-acting intravenous anesthesia. Depending on the intensity of the affliction and the degree of the problem, one or two threads are applied. The procedure is performed without the use of a scalpel. The patient may return to her everyday activities, with the exclusion of sexual activity (abstinence is suggested).


• Lowered sexual satisfaction
• Increased frequency of genital infections (dismicrobisms)
• Incontinence of vaginal discharge
• Pelvic organ prolapse*

* Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where one or more pelvic organs (such as vagina, uterus, bladder or intestines) protrude or fall out of place. The prolapse is the result of the weakening ofmuscles, tendons and ligaments which kept the organs in their right place.