Basalioma. Tumor scanning, SIAscopy – the exact determination of skin problems


What is a basal cell  carcinoma (BCC)?

Basalioma or Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer. It is 90% of all skin cancers in U.S.A. BCC almost never metastizes to other organs, but the tumor may grow in surrounding tissues (eg, the face – eye, ear, nose, etc.).

What are the risk factors for BCC?

The main risk factors for basalioma (BCC) are these: light skin (I and II skin types) and solar radiation. Only about 20% of basal cell carcinoma develops body locations which are not lighted by the sun: chest, back, arms, legs, head. The most common location of BCC – facial skin –a place that is least sun-protected. Reduced immunity, systemic use of drugs can lead to basal cell carcinoma development.

How does asal cell carcinoma look like?

It looks like a small risen body color papule (oval, rigid “knot”) with surface blood vessels around it (telangiectasias). Tumor surface is glossy and translucent like a “gem”. Sometimes basal cell carcinoma is pigmented, nodal or ulcer type. The tumor grows slowly and becomes visible over months and years.

Is basal cell carcinoma determined and confirmed?

Confirmatory diagnosis is made after skin biopsy and further morphological examination of tumor cell search is performed.

How do GK Clinic specialists cure basal cell carcinoma?

There are several basal cell carcinoma treatment methods. The doctor’s task is to radically remove the tumor, leaving a minimal scar and adjacent tissue damage. The choice of treatment methods depends on the tumor localization, and scarring potential in that body area, the patient’s age, overall health status, health history. In each individual case, GK Clinic doctor will determine the most suitable treatment way and mode for you.

Basalioma treatment methods:

  • Curettage and desiccation: the tumor is removed mechanically.
  • PDT (photodynamic therapy): the treatment includes the usage of special equipment which emits different wave length light. The tumor is lubricated with a special ointment which increases it’s photo-sensitivity during the light therapy.
  • Cryosurgical treatment: the tumor is removed with the aid of liquid nitrogen, which causes cold.
  • Laser surgery: Basal cell carcinoma laser destruction is carried out
  • Surgical excision: the tumor is operated, the wound is sewn, in cases of large skin defects – plastic surgery is carried out.
  • Mohs’ micrographic surgery: Named after the explorer Dr. The Frederick Mohs. Otherwise known as “microscopically controlled excision. ” The surgeon removes part of the tumor during surgery and a makes a histological study. This is an operation, during which, the tumor is extremely accurately removed with minimal damage  to the healthy tissue with permanent morphology testing of parts of the tumor.
  • Radiation therapy: 25 to 40 treatment procedures, using shortfocused gamma rays, are carried out, until the complete disappearance of the tumor.

How to protect yourself against basal cell carcinoma?

GK Clinic specialists recommend: The best and most effective way is to avoid direct sun’s rays and check regularly with a doctor (especially when you or someone from your family has been diagnosed with skin cancer).

We recommend:

  • Stay under the sun for only a short period of time.
  • Avoid the sun between 10 to 14 hours (most active period of solar radiation).
  • Wear appropriate clothing, hats.
  • Use sunscreen with SPF> 30 (Sun Protection Factor): creams, lotions. Do not forget to regularly apply them on your skin.
  • Periodically check with your doctor (dermatologist, oncologist, other specialty professional).

BCC SIAscopy

This examination provides a comprehensive suspected basal cell carcinoma area image with high-quality color SIA-photos. An evaluation system, specially adapted to identify the features of a basal cell carcinoma, is used.

If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.

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