Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Fingers and hands – are extremely important in our lives. Without them we could not do anything. It is for a cause, that they say that a man who can’t do anything right “has his hands coming out of the wrong place”.
Timely untreated hands and fingers diseases progress and may even become a cause of disability.

There are dozens of hand diseases, some of them are congenital, and others come out with age, the thirds one are caused by trauma. Our GK Clinic specialists will help you not only to determine the cause of deformation, or pains in your hands or fingers, but will also find a suitable treatment whether it is an operational or a non invasive method.

What are the most common hand diseases?

Frequently patients report such ones:

  • Snapping “trigger” finger syndrome (stenosing tenosynovitis);
  • Hand ganglion, (synovial hernia);
  • Fingers attracted to the palm (Dupuytren contracture);
  • Numb fingers and so on.

Numb fingers, is it dangerous?

Fingers can go numb for different reasons. Sometimes numbness is so intensive it becomes true pain. But the most important aspect of finger numbness is to know when your fingers are getting numb because of specific reasons such as strangled arm or hand nerves. Strangled nerves die in a certain amount of time and your hand looses it’s functionality.

What nerves are most commonly being clamped?

In most cases, serious numbness occurs because one of the three main nerves is strangled:

  • Secondary nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Angular nerve (elbow tunnel syndrome)
  • Radial nerve (radial tunnel syndrome).

What is common to all nerve compression syndromes?

Sometimes after the trauma, and often due to unexplained causes, the canal becomes “too small” for the nerve. In such cases, nerve irritation causes fingers tingling or numbness, and in case of long-term disease progression – complete fingers insensitivity and severe pain. The most common time for the symptoms to emerge is during night-time, but they often may exhaust you during day.
Patients note a decrease of hand strength, it becomes difficult for them to perform routine tasks or activities.

How to treat finger numbness?

During early stages of the disease arm mobilization by a mandrel, peace, anti-inflammatory medications can help. If the disease progresses or the above mentioned measures are ineffective, an operation is necessary to release the compressed nerve. It is important to start treatment in time to avoid the perishing of nerve fibers.

Numb fingers Numb fingers

How will I recover after the surgery?

After the operation, finger tingling and numbness disappears soon with some patients, others recover slower, depending on how much nerve was crushed. Hand strength usually recovers within a few months.

If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.

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