Examining and evaluation of hair and hair follicles

What kind of hair follicles tests are carried out in GK Clinic?

hair follicle examination

Since the reasons for hair loss and baldness are different, thus careful examination of individual patient is necessary. The following diagnostic tests are carried out in GK Clinic:

  • hair dermascopic and microscopic examination;
  • classic hair follicle examination (classic trichogram test);
  • computerised examination of of hair number, density and hair follicles;
  • scalp biopsy (if necessary).

What is trichogram test?

This is a microscopic hair follicle examination. Doctor using special instrument pulls out approx. 50-100 hairs from the damaged scalp area. He same amount of hairs is pulled out from undamaged area of scalp. Hair follicles are analysed using microscope and the results of both types of hair (i.e. from damaged and undamaged areas) are compared.

How is trichogram assessed?

With the help of microscope doctor evaluates the damage of the hair shaft. Growth cycle of the hair is estimated according to the shape of hair follicle. This test must be performed only by a very well experienced doctor. The more precise method is a computerised examination of hair follicles.

Is trichogram a painful test and how should I prepare for that test?

This method is quite painful, because approx. 50 to 100 hairs are pulled out from two scalp areas. Before carrying out this test, it is very important not wash head hair for 5 days and for 2 months prior to the test not colour and not chemically trim your hair (in order not to affect test results).

What is a computerised hair follicle examination, performed in GK Clinic?

This is an modern computerised digital hair follicle examination, so called modified trichogram test, which helps to define not only the hair growth cycle: i.e. growth phase (anagen) or resting phase (telogen), but also hair number and density.

How is the computerised hair follicle examination performed?

During the firs visit, a doctor collects detailed history of the disease, family and medications, examines the patient, evaluates with dermascope the head skin and hair shaft, prescribes necessary blood tests. Finally a patient is prepared for a test i.e. In a small (1 cm) skin area the hairs are cut (pulling out of hears is not necessary!) The doctor selects the area so that it is fully covered with hair and is not noticeable for others.

After 2-3 days the test is performed, i.e. Special programme installed in a computer, automatically defines number and density of hairs and assesses hair growth phases pro ratio. Test results immediately are displayed in computer screen and submitted to the patient. After the test, the data is saved in computer, therefore having repeated this test after 4-6 months, it is possible to assess progress of the disease and efficiency of the prescribed treatment.

Is this computerised hair follicle test painful and is it necessary to get prepared for this test?

The test is completely painless, because it is not necessary to pull out the hairs. Besides, it is allowed to wash, colour or chemically trim the hair. No special preparation is necessary.

What are the advantages of this modern test (if compared with classical trichogram)?

Computerised hair follicle examination has a number of advantages:

  • not painful, because there is no need of pulling the hairs;
  • it is allowed to wash, colour and chemically trim the hair;
  • very precise and fast method of hair number, density and follicle examination;
  • test methods are archived in a computer;
  • it is possible to evaluate treatment efficiency.

If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.

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