Food intolerance test – ImuPro

Food intolerance tests (blood serum tests) – ImuPro 100, 200, 300 food products.

Food intolerance test ImuPro

You can get sick even from the healthiest diet!
Overweight or obesity, various digestive disorders, headaches and migraines, skin rashes, chronic fatigue – all of this can lead to chronic food allergies.

Do you feel any of these ailments?

Persistent indigestion, stomach and bowel problems:
•  The accumulation of gases;
•  Constipation or diarrhea;
•  Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Headaches, even migraines, skin diseases, such as:
•  Itching;
•  Neurodermatitis;
•  Psoriasis;
•  Acne or youthful acne.
•  Chronic fatigue and obesity;
•  Bad mood, and depression.

Many of these disorders are often caused by unexplained reasons. Usually only the symptoms are treated, not than causes. Therefore, the treatment sometimes takes several years to test a number of different methods of treatment, which could lead to the inevitable and unpleasant side effects.
In many cases, despite the many different tests, the cause of the disease remains unclear, and health problems still occur.

It is important to know that the cause of the disease can be a chronic food allergy.

Healthy life

The main question is: What is the cause of the disease?

Once you have the answer to this question, you can successfully solve many health problems.
Today, many scientific studies have proven that the majority of chronic ailments are caused by inflammation. Such inflammation may be due to foods that cause the body to produce certain substances called antibodies. Antibodies are identified by a blood test. This means that you can know which foods can cause your ailments.
It is believed that many people are suffering from chronic food allergy without even knowing it. You can feel badly after a few hours or even days after the consumption of the food which is unfit for your body. This is the main reason a chronic food allergy ImuPro300 test must be carried out to find out what foods are unnecessary or even harmful to you.

What can you do?

After carrying out the ImuPro300 test and in accordance with the doctor’s advice, you will know which food products are harmful to you and therefore stop consuming them. This will surely improve your health, well-being, improve your performance, sparkle cheerfulness.
ImuPro300 study investigates 273 different foods and food additives, which can be intolerable to your body.
Based on the results of the ImuPro blood tests you will get an individual nutritional plan: you will find out what foods you should avoid for some time or stop consuming at all, you will also get advice on alternative food products as a substitute.
Our doctors recommend you ImuPro300 because it paves the way to a full life, with no chronic health problems due to food allergies.
Healthy food advices

Is allergy always what it seems?

When you suffer from rashes or other skin problems, you usually think it is allergy. But is this always true? German scientists have developed a new technique to identify the foods that the human body cannot tolerate, but to which people are not allergic to. This type of intolerance is called a chronic allergy, otherwise known as food intolerance.
Food intolerance is a very common and widespread phenomenon. Every second person faces this problem, but usually is not conscious about it. Feeling heavy after a meal and digestive disorders are explained by overeating, headaches and even migraine are treated with drugs, skin diseases removed by medications, and the constant fatigue and obesity, just being used to. People do not link these problems with the food they eat because the health problems appear after a period of time. It can be up to 72 hours after the meal, that you can feel any of these! By eating food which is intolerable to your body, you are provoking stomach and intestinal problems, headaches, migraines, skin disorders, excessive fatigue and general weakness, it is also almost impossible to loose weight in such conditions.
ImuPro is a blood test which identifies the foods which you should avoid. By doing so you will be able to quickly get rid of chronic health, skin, digestive tract, overweight problems and improve the general health level without much effort.
allergy because of food after treatment
You can see clear results in just a few weeks of avoiding the intolerable foods.
ImuPro tests are successfully used in over 30 states, German, Luxembourg, Netherlands, French, Norway, Spanish, Swedish, British, Australian, Turkish, Kuwait, Canada, USA, Mexican, Russian, Ukraine citizens are happy and improving their health with the ImuPro tests.After the intolerable foods test, the test results are being explained to every patient in detail, the patient also gets a nutrition plan and memo notes about the products which his body is intolerable to.
maisto produktai
Test results example where intolerable foods are marked with color, from yellow as the least and red – the most intolerable foods.
We recommend ImuPro intolerable food test, because in will help You to find out which foods is affecting your health in an unpleasant way and get rid of ailments by avoiding it.

ImuPro300 advantages:

•  Treating the exact reason of the disease, not the symptoms;
•  A detailed assessment of food, food colorings and preservatives effect on your body;
•  The test is conducted in Lithuania, and the assessment is conducted in Germany, in a professional lab, it’s really reliable and accurate;
•  Patients are given detailed information (detail chronic food allergy test results, Individual food plan, memory notes, etc.).
You should consider going through the ImuPro100, ImuPro200, ImuPro300 tests if you experience these symptoms:
•  Skin problems (pruritus, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne), various rashes;
•  Overweight, obesity;
•  Headaches, migraine;
•  Bowel gas accumulation, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome;
•  Frequent fatigue, especially during a meal;
•  Food intolerance.
We recommend ImuPro300 test, since it will help you find foods for which you are getting sick from, and therefore get rid of long-tiring ailments. Reliable ImuPro300 study provides successful treatment.

23 foods which are intolerable to most of the people are in a separate ImuPro S palette, these are:

•  wheat;
•  gluten;
•  Eggs;
•  Cow’s milk;
•  Goat milk and cheese;
•  Sheep’s milk and cheese;
•  Soy;
•  Maize;
•  Rice;
•  Hazelnuts;
•  Almonds;
•  Seafood;
•  Salmon;
•  Orange;
•  Banana;
•  Garlic;
•  Tomato;
•  Onion;
•  Sunflower-seeds;
•  Mustard seeds;
•  Pepper;
•  Vanilla;
•  Baker’s yeast.
food intolerance


•    Imupro300
+ Imupro200
* Imupro100
•  + Venison
•  + Duck
•  + Goat
•  + Goose
•  + Hare meat
•  + Ostrich
•  + Quail meat
•  + Rabbit
•  + Venison
•  + Veal
•  + Boar
•  + * Beef
•  + * Chicken
•  + * Mutton
•  + * Pork
•  + * Turkey
•  Hen egg white
•  Hen egg yolk
•  + Goose egg
•  + Quail Eggs
•  + * Hen eggsCEREALS (WITH gluten)
•  + Kamut
•  + * Barley
•  + * Gluten
•  + * Oats
•  + * Rye
•  + * Spelt
•  + * Wheat
•  + * beer, bread yeastVEGETABLES
•  Bamboo shoots
•  Habanero Chili
•  Jalapeno Chili
•  Fennel
•  Moluchia
•  Okra
•  + Artichokes
•  + Asparagus
•  + Brussels sprouts
•  + Cauliflower
•  + Common beet
•  + Chinese cabbage
•  + Kale
•  + Parsnip
•  + Pumpkin
•  + Radish
•  + Swede
•  + Savoy cabbage
•  + Spinach
•  + Celery stalks
•  + Cabbage
•  + * Eggplant
•  + * Beetroot
•  + * Broccoli
•  + * Carrot
•  + * Celery root
•  + * Cayenne Chili
•  + * Zucchini
•  + * Cucumber
•  + * Kohlrabi
•  + * Pairing
•  + * Olives
•  + * Onions
•  + * Potatoes
•  + * Red cabbage
•  + * sweet pepper
•  + * Tomatoes
•  Blackberries
•  Blueberries
•  Cranberries
•  Currants
•  Gooseberries
•  Grapefruit
•  Guavas
•  Honeydew melon
•  Lime
•  Cowberry (foxberry)
•  Mandarins
•  Grenades
•  Sloes pear
•  Quinces
•  Raspberries
•  Rhubarb
•  buckthorn
•  Avocado
•  Dates
•  + Figs
•  + Lychee
•  + Mango
•  + Oregano
•  + Peach
•  + * Pear
•  + * Plums
•  + * Yellow plums
•  + * Apple
•  + * Apricot
•  + * Banana
•  + * Cherries
•  + * Grapes
•  + * Kiwi
•  + * Lemon
•  + * Nectarines
•  + * Orange
•  + * Pineapple
•  + * Strawberries
•  + * Watermelon
•  + * Pecan (Brazil nuts)
•  + * Coconut Nut
•  + * Macadamia Nuts
•  + * Pine Nuts
•  + * Almonds
•  + * Cashew nuts
•  + * Cocoa beans
•  + * Hazelnuts
•  + * Linseed
•  + * Peanuts
•  + * Pistachios
•  + * Poppy
•  + * Pumpkin seeds
•  + * Sesame
•  + * Sunflower
•  + * WalnutsSALAD
•  Dandelion
•  + Chicory
•  + Leaved chicory
•  + Iceberg salad
•  + Lollo Rosso Lettuce
•  + Radicchio Salad
•  + Rocket Salad
•  + Romaine / Cos Salad
•  + * Cabbage lettuce
•  + * Salad valerian
•  + Amarantus
•  + Maranta
•  + Carob
•  + Edible cassava
•  + Crabgrass
•  + Topinambo
•  + Lupine
•  + Guinoa
•  + Sweet chestnuts
•  + Sweet potatoes
•  + Topijokas
•  + Teff
•  + * Buckwheat
•  + * Corn
•  + * Millet
•  Liuserna
•  Allspice
•  Anise
•  Bay leaves
•  Capers
•  Caraway
•  Cardamom
•  Chervil
•  Cloves
•  Coriander
•  Caraway
•  Kurkumidas (E100)
•  Dill
•  Peppermint
•  Ginger
•  Juniper berry
•  Lavender
•  Melissa
•  Yellowish
•  Marjoram
•  White pepper
•  Saffron
•  Sage
•  Savory
•  Wild garlic
•  + Chives
•  + * Basil
•  + * Cinnamon
•  + * Garlic
•  + * Horseradish
•  + * Mustard seed
•  + * Muscat
•  + * Oregano
•  + * Herbs Pepper
•  + * Parsley
•  + * Cayenne pepper
•  + * Rosemary
•  + * Thyme
•  + * Vanilla
•  Cep mushroom
•  The real cep
•  Chanterelle
•  Oyster mushrooms
•  Shiitake mushrooms
•  + * ChampignonFISH AND SEAFOODS
•  Velniažuvė
•  The blue mussels
•  Eel
•  Rainbow Shark
•  Omar
•  Octopus
•  Oysters
•  Perch
•  Scallop
•  Sea bass
•  Shrimp
•  + Anchovies
•  + Carp
•  + Cod
•  + Bream
•  + Atlantic cod
•  + Ling
•  + Halibut
•  + Herring
•  + Mackerel
•  + Tarragon
•  + Sardine
•  + Shark
•  + Sole
•  + Squid
•  + Swordfish
•  + Trout
•  + perch
•  + * Cancer
•  + * Sea bass
•  + * Pollack
•  + * Salmon
•  + Camel milk
•  + Halloumi cheese
•  + Kefir
•  + Mare milk
•  + Boiled milk
•  + Riccotos Cheese
•  + * Goat milk and cheese
•  + * Cow’s milk
•  + * Cheese (cow milk)
•  + * Ewe’s milk and cheese
•  + * Acidified cow’s milk products
•  Chamomile
•  Coffee
•  Nettle
•  Rooibos Tea
•  Rosehips
•  Tannin
•  Green Tea
•  Black tea
•  + * Peppermint
•  Benzoic acid (E211)
•  Sorbic acid (E200)THICKENERS
•  Agar – Agar (E406)
•  Carrageenan (E407)
•  Pectin (E440)
•  Tragacanth (E413)
•  Xanthan gum
•  + * Guar meal (E412)
•  Red algae (Nori)
•  Aloe Vera
•  Aspergillus niger
•  Candida
•  Candied lemon peel
•  Grape Leaves


If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.

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