Haemorrhoid Laser treatment
About laser haemorrhoids treatment
Visiting a proctologist, taking an examination, diagnosing haemorrhoids and undergoing surgery are not as awful as they may sound, especially if the patient is well informed. When faced with the problem, patients look for solutions in online forums or from their friends, colleagues or acquaintances. However, answers they may receive are often rumours or mere speculations. Even medical information presented online is not always true, objective and fair.
Treatment of haemorrhoids depends on the degree of disease. The higher the degree is, the more invasive procedure is necessary and vice versa, the lower the degree, the more conservative the treatment – sometimes prescribing appropriate medication is enough for the disease to regress.
At the moment, state-of-the-art method of haemorrhoids treatment in the world is laser haemorrhoids surgery, which has been available in Lithuania for several years now. It is not a myth. However, this advanced method is not suitable for everyone.
What are different procedures of Haemorrhoid Laser Treatment?
Haemorrhoid Laser Procedure (HeLP) is generally performed when a patient is diagnosed with first and second degree haemorrhoids with clinical manifestations. Surgery is performed without general anaesthesia; however, premedication and local anaesthesia may be applied. During surgery, an ultrasonic sensor is used to find the blood vessels feeding each haemorrhoidal lump and a laser beam is fired at those vessels to seal them off and to cut the supply of arterial blood to cavernous bodies. A patient is discharged home immediately after the procedure and the post-operative period is usually pain free.
Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) is generally performed under local or general anaesthesia, when a patient is diagnosed with second and third degree haemorrhoids or, in exceptional cases, with fourth degree haemorrhoids without large external component (the lumps are not protruding outwards much). During surgery, a laser chord is used to puncture the anoderm of each haemorrhoidal lump and the lump is vaporised from inside, leaving healthy and intact mucosa with many sensory receptors over the lump. After surgery, a patient is generally monitored on a day-patient basis (after anaesthesia) or is discharged home after a few hours, provided they do not drive themselves. Post-operative period is generally pain free, sometimes the patients may experience slight tension in the anus.
CO2 Laser. First introduced in 1964, this laser is generally used in neurosurgery, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, and general surgery for cutting tissue and electrocoagulating the wounds. Treatment of haemorrhoids with the CO2 laser involves excision of the lumps and therefore, post-operative period is painful, especially during bowel movement. Pain medication, sitz baths, ointments or suppositories are generally prescribed. This type of surgery is hardly different from haemorrhoidectomy.
If the disease has been neglected, the proctologist will only be able to offer a haemorrhoidectomy with several weeks of discomfort due to healing wounds during post-operative period.
Why should I choose GK Clinic?
GK Clinic was the first to start performing laser haemorrhoids surgery in Lithuania in 2010 and is one of the few medical institutions with extensive experience in medical laser treatment.
If you notice any early haemorrhoid symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a proctologist, who will recommend the best and most suitable treatment.
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