Hair transplantation: FUT and GK FUE Hair Transplantation
Upon passing their 50th birthday, around 50% of men and some women suffer from baldness.
Baldness is often determined genetically, but sometimes it can be caused by dermatological diseases. The Micro-hair transplantation technique is complicated and often referred to as the jeweler’s art of plastic surgery. It involves the transplantation of your own hair follicles from heavily haired areas to bald areas. It helps restore your natural youthful appearance and self- confidence.
Am I a good candidate for this operation?
During consultation, you will tell the plastic surgeon about the desired effects and the exact changes you would like to see. It will help the surgeon understand, summarize your desires, and decide if this hair transplantation suits you.
The plastic surgeon will examine the donor location and decide if there is a sufficient amount and density of hair.
Modern FUE hair transplantation only in GK Clinic
- Hair follicles are collected with the only special robotic device of this type in Lithuania allowing to greatly increase the collection speed;
- Up to 1000-1500-2000 follicular units are transplanted during one hair transplantation procedure;
- Natural hair appearance is obtained;
- Perfect result with maximum possible hair density;
- Graftsstart recovering and the emergence of new follicular units is promoted by the (Trombocites autocell injections) procedures carried out in parallel with the FUE;
- Hair is collected only in the donor area!
- Hair transplantation is performed by certified plastic surgeon.
Why do you need a consultation?
GK Clinic specialist will examine the bald areas. A doctor will also inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of the operation and will individually choose the best operation or combination of procedures, including the time period between them.
In most instances, consultation with a dermatologist and trichologist is also needed. They can examine the condition of your hair, the vitality of follicles, balding type and rule out other diseases or conditions that might influence the balding processes.
Does this operation require any special preparation?
Sometimes you might need special procedures before the hair transplantation. It will be decided by your plastic surgeon during consultation.
You should lower the number of cigarettes if you smoke. It is also recommended that you not use Aspirin or other drugs that might diminish blood coagulation.
How is micro – transplantation performed?
The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The duration depends on the extent of transplantation. During each procedure, hundreds of micro-transplants (single follicles or groups of two or three) are implanted in the bald area. The implantation area does not differ from the natural growing area.
You may be able to return back home on the same day after this operation, or we will offer that you stay under the observation of GK Clinic specialists until next morning.
What is the recovery time for hair transplantation?
You are usually able to go back to work in a few days. Approximately 4-6 weeks after the operation, the transplanted hair drops out and new hair grows up in the same area within 3 months.
Is one hair transplantation procedure enough?
One transplantation is usually not enough. Additional procedures must be performed if you want thick hair.
Are the scars in the donor area easily observed?
The scars in the donor area are invisible.
What care is needed for maintaining the results?
After the hair transplantation, the plastic surgeon will recommend special procedures for you (for example, Mesotherapy) to keep the desired results for as long as possible.
Sign up for a consultation.Please fill out the form.
Please fill out the registration form and we will contact you within 24 hours and arrange a convenient visit time for you.