This is a diagnostic and therapeutic method to examine and evaluate the uterine cavity changes and carry out surgical operations there. During the procedure gynecologist endoscopist inserts a thin hysteroscope into the uterus through the cervix – a hysteroscope is a device similar to a telescope. The doctor can see the cervical canal, uterine cavity, and all it’s changes: flourished endometrium, as well as polyps, myoms on uterine walls, adhesions left after procedures performed in the uterus, on the video monitor, he can also evaluate the fallopian tubes and the form the uterus.
Why do you need a hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy can be performed because of: endometrial polyps or myoms, endometrial hyperplasia, intense and prolonged, as well as irregular uterine bleeding, recurrent miscarriages, infertility and other causes.
Is this test recommended only for women who suffer from abnormal uterine bleeding?
No. This method is suitable for those who can not get pregnant or carry out a fetus and are experiencing early miscarriages. Often, uterine abnormalities, adhesions, uterine myoms deforming the cavity, can be the cause of infertility. After hysteroscopy, it is possible to assess, diagnose or rule out a possible disease.
Can this method be applied to all women?
Hysteroscopy is not executed, if a woman is suffering from genital inflammation, cervical cancer or is pregnant. If a woman has serious health problems such as cardiovascular disorders, respiratory failure, symptoms of these disorders may worsen because of the general anesthesia. They should be diagnosed and treated by other methods.
How does the hysteroscopy process look like?
The patient is subject to the general, complete anesthesia. Then, the hysteroscope is fed into the uterus. Certain sterile fluids help to extend the uterine cavity so the gynecologist can examine it. If pathological changes, such as polyps or myoms are found, they are immediately removed by using additional instruments. If there are walls or adhesions, in the uterine cavity, they are also removed. If there is a suspicion of endometrial status, special instruments are used to obtain tissue examples in suspected areas.
What other procedures may be performed by a gynecologist with the help of the hysteroscope?
Gynecologist inspects the uterine cavity with the device, and is trying to find pathology that can cause irregular or prolongated menstrual bleeding. Often, IUD’ which can not be removed simply by withdrawing themare removed with the help of the hysteroscope. Sometimes uterus mucous, otherwise known as the endometrium, lining is carried out, because of numerous and prolonged bleeding of the uterus. This resulted in most women not having the abnormal bleeding any more. The endoscopic procedure is often an alternative to the removal of the uterus.
When is hysteroscopy performed?
Hysteroscopy is performed immediately after the menstruation period, when the endometrium is thinnest. This allows the gynecologist to diagnose and observe even slight changes in the uterine cavity.
Why this treatment method is more attractive than the usual ones applied before it?
The main advantage of hysteroscopy is that everything is clearly in sight, no action, such as the uterine cavity endometrium destruction or a biopsy is not made blindly anymore. This is a very reliable method of uterine cavity diagnosis.
In addition, since there are no cuts or wounds in the abdomen, the post-operative pain is minimal, and there is no wound infection risk.
When can the patient get back to her usual life, after the operation?
The patient is usually released from the medical facility, the same day after hysteroscopy. Most women can return to work the next day or within one – two days after hysteroscopy – it is determined by the quantity of actions made by the doctor. Eating and drinking and taking a shower – is not restricted from the same day, the operation took place. After surgery, the woman may feel a slight discomfort in the abdomen, which is similar to menstrual pain. Medication may be prescribed to relieve pain from these symptoms. Also, sparse, wet, bloody vaginal discharges may take place during the few weeks after the procedure. We do not recommended to use vaginal tampons, swim in swimming pools, lake, and so on, because of the possible risk of infection for one – two weeks after the surgery. We also strongly recommend to abstain from sexual intercourse and intense physical training during that period of time.
If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.
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