Laser Liposuction (Lipolysis)

GK Clinic is Lithuanian pioneer of using the most modern new age surgical lipolysis laser. This way of fat removal involves the Laser Liposuction (Lipolysis) technology in addition to the traditional ones. Laser Liposuction is a technical innovation, used to achieve aesthetic surgical result of the highest quality.

Laser Liposuction

What is Laser Liposuction (Lipolysis)?

Laser Liposuction (also known world-widely as “Laser Lipolysis, Laser fat removal”) is the world most modern procedure of fat removing. The laser energy destroys the fat tissue cells, releasing the fat and also affects collagen leaving skin tighter and smoother in the treated area.

Why Laser Liposuction in GK Clinic is so unique?

The new generation fat removing laser differs from the previous used world-wide devices. Previously used laser lipolysis devices only destroyed and removed the fat tissue. Our GK Clinic laser not only breaks the fat cells down and removes them, but also makes the skin tighter and smoother.

Why is the fat removal procedure in GK Clinic unique? What are the advantages and specific features?

  1. Excellent aesthetic result, because of tight and smooth skin in addition to fat reduction;
  2. A patient walks out of the clinic just after the procedure, because neither general, nor regional anesthesia is used;
  3. The patient needs no preparation;
  4. Surrounding tissues are damaged minimally (the unique 1-2 mm cannulas do not damage the tissue, leaving no signs of the procedure);
  5.  Minimal recovery time (because the laser coagulates vessels, minimal bruising is left, and   compression therapy is used only for maximum 3 days);
  6. Excellent results in treating areas, where traditional liposuction results are not so perfect, for example, upper tights, hips, chin and neck areas, internal upper arms etc.
  7. No downtime.

How is the procedure performed?

A very small cannula, approximately 1.0 mm to 2.0 mm in diameter containing a laser fiber is inserted into the skin. The cannula is moved back and forward delivering the laser’s energy to the fat cells, causing them to rupture and easily drain away. The laser energy also interacts with the skin collagen, modifying and remodeling it and leaving skin tighter and smoother in the treated area.

Why do you need a consultation? Does laser lipolysys requies any special preparation?

During the consultation our plastic surgeon will examine you, evaluate your skin elasticity, subcutaneous fat tissue, its amount. It is important to inform a doctor if you have some endocrine deceases, if your relatives have overweight. Tell the doctor, if you are planning to lose the weight significantly. As losing the weight fat layer diminishes and excess skin will increase, the most suitable time for operation is when weight becomes stabile. Plastic surgeon will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure and you will have an opportunity to discuss the desired shape of your body together. Any advance preparation is necessary for the patient.
You should also mention what medications you take, past operations or if you have abnormal blood pressure or other, for example, diabetes or thyroid pathology. You should not forget to tell about taking any drugs, which can diminish blood coagulatin, and any allergies.

Am I a good candidate for this operation?

During the consultation you will tell the plastic surgeon about what you would like to change and what results you would like to achieve with surgery. It will help the plastic surgeon to understand your expectations, and determine weather you are a good candidate for this operation.

We recommend Laser lipolysis if:

  • there are local accumulation of fat in the areas of the chin, neck, arms, buttocks, abdomen, knees, back, bikini, breasts, hips, tights;
  • to correct irregularities or complications after traditional liposuction;
  • treating gynecomastia (enlargement of male’s breasts);
  • treating lipomas.

Laser lipolysis is a part of complex anti-cellulite treatment.

This operation is not a way to lose weight. If you wish to reduce general weight, our specialist will advise to consult GK CLINIC Laboratory of Body Contouring – Body Sculpture.

What does the recovery time for laser lipolysis?Are there any additional recommendations after this operation?

Laser lipolysis is performed under local anesthesia, surrounding tissues are not damaged, so there is almost no post-operative pain or bruising. Patient is able to return home immediately after operation and even will be able to perform some work the same day. The compression therapy is recommended for 3 days.

Sign up for a consultation.Please fill out the form.

Please fill out the registration form and we will contact you within 24 hours and arrange a convenient visit time for you.