Liposuction (Lipoplasty) and Body Contouring
Liposuction (Lipoplasty) is one of most common aesthetic operations in the world. These operations are used to form the desired shapes of the body.
GK Clinic offers you its BODY CONTOURING LABORATORY, where modern and complex technologies:
– Will help you systematically and completely prepare for the operation;
– Will help and hasten your recovery after the operation;
– Will additionally help accomplish your body building goals;
– Will help your skin attain its new shape after the operation;
– Will help maintain the desired results long after the operation.
Liposuction (Lipoplasty) is especially suitable for women and men who have normal body weight, but have a local accumulation of fat tissue that makes their body look disproportional. This may be genetically determined, and hard to correct with diet or sports. The only effective way is liposuction.
This operation can be performed at any age, but the best results are seen if the skin elasticity is still good the skin is able to gain her previous contour.
Am I a good candidate for liposuction?
During the consultation, you will tell the plastic surgeon about the results you desire, and what exactly you would like to change. It will help the surgeon understand, summarize your desires, and decide if you are a good candidate for this operation.
We recommend liposuction for you if:
– There is a local accumulation of fat tissue in the areas of the neck, chin, hands, hips, belly, waist, breast, back or knees (especially the inner side).
Liposuction is also recommended for men to correct gynecomasty (enlargement of breasts).
This method is also used for the complex treatment of cellulite.
This operation is not used for lowering body weight. If you want to lose weight, our specialists recommend GK Clinic BODY CONTOURING LABORATORY to you.
Why do you need a consultation?
GK Clinic specialists will examine your skin’s condition, elasticity, and subcutaneous fat tissue. It is very important to inform the doctor if you have had any other operations, or if you suffer from diseases of the Endocrine system. You should also inform the doctor if your immediate family members have a history of overweight problems. Please warn the doctor if you are planning to lose weight. While losing weight you will also lose subcutaneous abdominal fat and increase excessive skin. The operation should be performed after weight stabilization.
The plastic surgeon will inform you about all the advantages and disadvantages of this operation. You will consider your most desired shape together.
You should also mention what medications you take, past operations, or if you have abnormal blood pressure or other diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology, etc. You should not forget to talk about taking any drugs, which can diminish blood coagulation, and any allergies.
Does a liposuction operation require any special preparation?
You should lower the number of cigarettes if you smoke. It is also recommended that you not use Aspirin or other drugs that might diminish blood coagulation.
How is liposuction performed?
The operation is performed under general or regional anesthesia. The duration is about 1-4 hours. The number of areas that you would like to correct will influence the duration. The extent and variation of the operation is chosen individually. During the operation, excess fat tissue is removed through tiny 4-6 mm incisions.
You may be able to return back home the next day after the operation, but we’ll advise you to stay under the observation of the GK Clinic specialists for 2-5 days.
What is the recovery time after liposuction?
Swelling will decrease within one week. Some locations of the skin can be numb for few weeks or months.
You will be able to return to work after one week. We recommend that you avoid hard physical work and sports for 6-8 weeks. Right after the operation, the plastic surgeon may fit you with a special body bandage-corset, which you should wear for 6 weeks.
Are there any additional recommendations after liposuction?
After the liposuction operation, your surgeon will select an individual complex body and abdomen contouring plan, which you will be able to continue at GK Clinic Body Contouring Laboratory. There, modern complex technologies:
– Will help and hasten your recovery after the operation;
– Will additionally help accomplish your body building goals;
– Will help your skin attain its new shape after the operation;
– Will help to maintain the desired results after liposuction.
All these procedures will help you get the desired results faster, and prolong the results of the operation.
Are the scars easily observed?
The scars are really tiny – only 4-6 mm, and as they are located in the natural curves of the skin, they are usually invisible.
Sign up for a consultation.Please fill out the form.
Please fill out the registration form and we will contact you within 24 hours and arrange a convenient visit time for you.