Mole dermatoscopy, ELM, SIAscopy


How are moles and pigment formations examined in the GK Clinic?

GK Clinic doctors apply the combined modern investigative techniques, from classical dermatoscopy and morphological studies to the most modern digital examination ways: non-contact and contact SIAscopy.
GK Clinic was the first clinic in Lithuania and the Baltic countries, which has implemented the use of contact and non-contact, skin mole, pigmental formation and tumor SIAscopy diagnostics.

What is dermatoscopy (dermoscopy)?

Dermatoscopy is a non-invasive skin testing is method that allows evaluating skin structure (color, contour, shape) and changes in it. It helps in the diagnosis of skin cancer (including the early stage of melanoma). Modern dermatoscopes are often connected to the computer, which allows to consistently evaluate pigment formations of the epidermis and dermis, and to take pictures and archive data (for further observation).

What are the advantages of dermatoscopy?

This is a non-invasive, safe, painless method that does not require special patient preparation. It allows determining changes in moles or pigment tumors and monitoring their dynamics.

Natural view of moleDermatoscopic view of mole
Natural view                                     Dermatoscopic view

How does the examination look like?

Dermatoscopy is a visual examination method that allows you to not only enlarge  the image of the observed area 10 times, but also to examine the pigment tumor without upper skin layer (stratum corneum). Physician specialist sees the pigmental tumors development with the naked eye, but the dermatoscope helps to evaluate the pigment tumor symmetry, consistency, color, bounds and structure.

Is it necessary to specifically prepare for this test? Can the cosmetics affect the quality of the examination?

The examination is conducted without any special preparation. Ordinary cosmetics do not affect the examination.

Natural view   of moleDermatoscopic view of mole
Natural view                                     Dermatoscopic view

Can dermatoscopy be applied to everyone at any time?

Yes, it is a visual method, it has no contra-indications.

When do you need to examine your moles and other skin formations?

It is necessary to monitor the amount of moles and changes in them. Birthmark quantity, shape, color and contour may change, which can be atypical signs, when it is necessary to seek medical help. During the summer, when the sun is particularly intense, moles may change. Hormonal balance change (the period of adolescence, pregnancy, menopause) can affect changes in moles.

Is dermatoscopy effective?

The specificity of the method of 80%. However, there are cases when other diagnostic tools (SIAscopy, morphological examination) are required to approve the diagnosis.


Epiluminescence microscopy – is just an another name for dermatoscopy.

Who needs dermatoscopy and how is it performed?

This method is used for prophylaxis among patients with high risk of melanoma. During the examination, series of body surface images are taken in accordance with special standardized protocols.

Who belongs to high-risk groups? When is it necessary to check moles and other pigment skin formations?

We definitely recommend you to contact an experienced specialist when:

  • you have a large number of moles (in Central Europe> 50 moles);
  • you have dysplastic (atypical) moles;
  • You or your family member have a history of melanoma;
  • you have congenital moles, particularly in form of giant pigmental spots.


What does SIAscopy stand for?

SIAscopy or “deep dermatoscopy” is the latest digital skin examination method. It is a modern, noninvasive, quick and easy procedure that helps your doctor diagnose serious skin changes during the early stages of their development (dysplastic moles, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, etc.).
Nowadays, this is the most perfect and accurate skin formation evaluation way.

What types of SIAscopy are used in GK Clinic?

SIAscopy may be contact and contactless. Both of these SIAscopy types are implemented at GK clinic.
SIAscope – is a noninvasive spectrophotometric analyzer, which can help assess the condition of the skin to a depth of 2 mm. Because of the multi-layered skin structure, skin chromophore (hemoglobin, melanin, collagen), change the properties of the light spectrum. The device emits light ,after that, part of it is scattered, part of it is reflected from the surface of the skin, and the third part is absorbed by the cells and other formations of the skin. By understanding these interactions and by comparing the light which falls on the skin, with the total amount of light emitted, SIAscopy can identify the nature and location of many different cells and structures in the skin. SIAscopy measures the quantity of hemoglobin, melanin, collagen, dermal and epidermis melanin. Information about the scanned areas are called so SIAscopic images (SIAscans).They  show how monitored parameters vary on the surface of the skin. The information is then processed digitally stored and archived.

Why choose SIAscopy?

The light used in SIAscopy is completely safe, what makes this technology ideal for monitoring skin conditions. In addition, this method:

  • is specific and most accurate (its efficiency is about 90%);
  • provides the opportunity to monitor changes in the pigmental structures within a specified time period of time (eg.: after a year);
  • is fast;
  • does not require special preparation;
  • is painless, and performed without additional surgery.

What is Contact SIAscopy?

Contact SIAscopy is a type of SIAscopy during which contact with the skin is necessary. It measures over 11 mm diameter area of the skin. A specialized camera comes in contact with the skin and provides the doctor with  very high-resolution digital images.
You can get all types of cells and formations siascans  when contacting with the skin, thus collecting the maximum possible amount of information about the skin damage or the skin itself. Contact SIAscopy scan images show: dermatoscopic, blood, melanin, skin melanin and collagen in dimensional and graphic visualizations.

What does a SIAscopic image look like?

General melanin siascanning – darker colors indicate areas with more pigment (usually melanin) levels, lighter areas indicate a lower concentration.

Skin melanin siascanning – white areas do not have pigment in the papillary skin. Green, blue, red and black areas have gradually more and more pigment (melanin usually) the papillary skin.

Blood siascanning shows the relative concentration of hemoglobin in the papillary skin. Darker areas have higher, brighter – a lower hemoglobin concentration.

Collagen siascanning. The increased amount of collagen in the papillary skin is shown in brighter colors, the areas with less collagen – darker colors.

What does “Non-contact SIAscopy” stand for?

During the process of non-contact SIAscopy digital camera is used to capture images of cross-polarized examined area. The light source used is a small flashing light, which illuminates the entire visible area. The camera takes three pictures. A red, green and blue image, each of which covers a different area of the visible spectrum. These images are then analyzed in a similar manner to contact SIAscopy, thus creating non-contact  SIAscopy scans, which reflect the concentration of hemoglobin and melanin in the skin.

What are the advantages of non-contact SIAscopy?

Contactless SIAscopy siascans are formed using a digital camera from a distance, which allows to take images of such a large area as the entire back or face. Currently, contactless siascopy can create blood and melanin images.
Contactless SIAscopy is particularly useful for monitoring the number of moles of one person and looking for changing moles, which may require a more thorough investigation.

If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.

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