Photodermatology center
A modern PHOTODERMATOLOGY Center opened its doors in GK clinic, equipped with Waldmann company’s latest computerized phototherapy equipment it is now possible to safely and effectively treat psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin lymphoma, parapsoriasis, eczema, white spot disease, etc.
What is phototherapy?
Phototherapy – is treatment with ultraviolet rays. Treatment is applied by UVA (320 – 400nm) and UVB (280 – 320nm) spectrum light beams. In recent years, instead of a broad spectrum UV-B rays ,much more effective and much safer narrow spectrum – 311nm UVB rays are used, because they cause fewer side effects.
What kind of skin diseases can be treated with phototherapy?
We have one of the most modern Waldmann phototherapy equipment, designed to safely and effectively treat psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin lymphoma, parapsoriasis, eczema, white spot disease, sun-induced nettle-rash and polymorphic light reaction.
Is this a safe method of treatment?
Our GK clinic’s photodermatology center’s computerized phototherapy equipment, assessment of skin type, and minimum erythematous dose setting, can reduce the potential harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (photoxic reactions, and carcinogenic effects).
Is this treatment method is suitable for everyone?
Phototherapy is not applied to patients with diseases that are negatively affected by solar radiation (systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria), as well as to patients with severe skin cancer and heavy internal organ diseases, when the patient uses some sort of skin sensitivity to sunlight enhancing drugs. Thus, prior to phototerapeutic procedures, be sure to inform your doctor about medications, diseases that you currently suffer from.
What procedures are performed in the GK Clinic’s Photodermatology center? What preparation is required before these procedures?
Our Photodermatology center offers these phototerapeutic procedures:
- 311 nm UV-B (UVB narrow ray) beam treatments for the whole body in cases of extended skin diseases. Given the fact that any treatment must be not only effective but also safe, we also apply local phototherapy on hands and feet or face, if the lesion affects only those parts of the body. Phototherapy is normally not very efficient for patients with scalp psoriasis, since the rays can not reach the scalp because of the hair. For such cases we have a special UV-B comb.
- UVA rays have less erythematous and cytotoxic effects, so the patients must be given a substance that increases the sensitivity of these rays. These substances are defined as psoralens. Thus, PUVA procedure name is deciphered as follows: psoralen + UVA rays.
What types of PUVA are applied in the photodermatology center?
Psoralens can be divided by their application method:
- bath PUVA. The a special film is placed in a bath, psoralenoand water is poured in and the patient is wrapped in this film. After 20 minutes the skin becomes more sensitive to UV rays. This method is relatively safe because there is no impact on the internal organs and eyes. Bath PUVA may be applied not only to the whole body, but separate parts of the body, i.e. for palms or soles of the feet to patients with psoriasis or eczema disease of those regions.
- systemic PUVA. For the purposes of systemic PUVA, patients are prescribed UV sensitivity increasing pills. After taking the pill, the skin becomes sensitive to light after one to two hours. Psoralen systemic administration affects the whole body’s sensitivity to sunlight, including the eyes, thus there is a need for sunglasses and sunscreen. Procedures are carried out 3-4 times a week. Prior to the prescription of psoralen pills there is a need to examine liver enzymes and make a biochemical blood test. Systemic PUVA is mainly used to treat patients with parapsoriasis and skin lymphoma.
How many procedures do you need?
Each person needs a different amount of procedures. Average, 10 to 20 procedures per course of treatment are needed.
How long does it take? Is it possible to do this during a lunch break?
The procedure takes from 15 to 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Since GK is a clinic situated in the city center, it is an ideal place for very busy people who can carry out the procedures and immediately return to work.
If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.
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