Professional deep skin peeling
The twenty-first century professional peeling system
A smooth, beautiful skin has always been a reflection of youth and beauty. One way to do this – is a professional deep and medium depth skin peeling. This is one of the world’s oldest methods, records mentioning it were found even in the Eber Papyrus dated 1500 b.c.
Deep skin peeling is used to improve skin structure and to reduce its shortcomings (small wrinkles and wrinkles, pigmentation problems, acne surface scars and rashes). This is one of anti-aging program components.
What makes deep skin peeling method in GK Clinic so special?
This is a unique complex skin peeling system which works by drying the layers of the skin, treating the skin with medium-depth or deeper peels with a depth of penetration of 0.6 to 0.8 mm. Side effects following the procedure are extremely rare. The peeling procedure can only be performed by a skilled professional.
How does the deep skin peeling work?
This unique skin peeling technique, during which, a high concentration of chemical acids and other active chemical preparations are applied on the treatment area. They quickly remove the dead or damaged cell layer, further exposing the fresh, undamaged skin. Then the deeper skin layers are exposed to specific chemicals. The process continues until the desired depth and desired results are achieved. The treatment makes the skin healthier, firmer and tighter, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles and evens out the skin tone.
Why do you need to consult the specialist?
Before the procedure you will discuss with your specialist the area you want to treat, what results are expected, how are you going to look after the treatment. In each individual case, your doctor will determine the single procedures’ appropriate schedule or a combination of procedures. Treatment schedule may vary very hard from case to case.
It is always very important to consult with the doctor performing the procedure. Only he can assess your facial skin lesions, the type of your skin, listen to your wishes and offer you the most suitable method of operation or procedure while providing detailed and comprehensive information. Maybe, after hearing out the patients desires and evaluating the skin changes, the doctor will offer fractional Fraxel®laser skin treatment , photorejuvenation or wrinkle correction by botulinum toxin injection therapy, tissue fillers or agents, or offer a combination of these techniques. And maybe you will fit most pleased with facelift plastic surgery or BIONUTRILIFT procedure?
During the consultation, you should indicate any medications you are taking, which operations have you had. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have allergies to medicines, cosmetics or chemical substances.
In what areas, the skin peeling procedure can be used?
This procedure is carried out in face, neck, dorsal surfaces of the hand and elbow areas.
How long does the skin peeling procedure take?
The procedure is carried out in stages, a few days in a row. Duration of treatment depends on the effect you want. In each individual case, our specialists will choose the most suitable procedure for you treatment.
What is the recovery from the procedure?
Usually, during the first week, your skin has a more intense pink color, and is far more sensitive the skin can feel as if it is a little swelled. We appoint specific appropriate measures and surveillance after the procedure. We strongly advise using sun protection products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of +50 or higher.
Are you a good candidate for skin peeling procedure?
Ask our specialists. If you have any questions, please call GK Clinic tel. +370 52553353 and arrange a private medical consultation. During the consultation with out specialist, please tell him what treatment effect do you desire, what do you want to change, it will help our doctor to better understand and evaluate your desires and help you make a decision on whether you need this procedure or not.
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Please fill out the registration form and we will contact you within 24 hours and arrange a convenient visit time for you.