Psoriasis treatment with phototherapy
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing/remitting skin disease characterised by the overproduction of epidermal cells.
How is psoriasis treatment unique at the GK Clinic?
The dermatologists at the GK Clinic will assess the history of your disease as well as the area covered by the disease and, with coexisting diseases taken into consideration, they will prescribe local, systemic or phototherapeutic treatment.
In our Integrated Psoriasis Treatment Outpatient Centre, you will be taken through the necessary diagnostic procedures (biopsy to confirm diagnosis, blood tests before prescribing systemic PUVA treatment). Once the clinical form of psoriasis and its area coverage is determined, the most suitable local treatment will be prescribed, and as you continue to visit the GK Clinic, the course of treatment will be adjusted in consideration of the development of the disease. We will also recommend the best skin care products to use. With the right treatment and skin care, the disease can successfully be controlled.
Is it a frequently occurring disease? Who usually suffers from this disease?
In developed countries, about 1.5-3 percent of the population have psoriasis (equally prevalent both in male and female populations). The disease starts to occur at various ages, thus both children and adults suffer from it.
Is it a contagious disease? What causes it?
The mechanism underlying the development of the disease is very complex and multifaceted and, therefore, there is still no comprehensive explanation for its occurrence even though many links are known. This disease is not contagious. It is believed that there is a genetic inclination to contract it. However, if one member of the family has it, this does not mean that the others will necessarily suffer from it too. Various factors can provoke or exacerbate the course of the disease:
- Physical trauma, chemical stimulants
- Infections
- Stress
- Various medications
- Alcohol
- Metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes)
- Other diseases of the skin, especially ones that cause itching.
Does psoriasis only harm the skin? Does this disease always manifest itself in the same way?
Apart from the skin, psoriasis can also affect joints and nails. This disease manifests itself in several forms.
The most frequent are:
- regular psoriasis
- psoriasis of the palms and soles
- Inverse psoriasis (affecting folds of the skin)
- Psoriasis of the scalp
What kind of rashes are characteristic of psoriasis? How is this disease diagnosed?
Usually this disease is diagnosed according to its characteristic mode of development and clinical manifestation: thick red and copiously flaking plaques or scales. Sometimes, if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain, a skin biopsy is performed.
Is there any single treatment that could effectively treat psoriasis?
The exact cause of psoriasis is still unknown, thus no single treatment for treating this disease exists at the present moment. However, because certain links in the development of the disease are known, treatment is targeted at these areas, and psoriasis treatment consists of several stages. Several methods are also frequently applied in combination.
Is it worth trying to treat the disease on one’s own?
Because there are several clinical forms and stages of psoriasis, it is certainly not worth trying to treat the disease on one’s own. Inappropriate treatment, even local treatment, might exacerbate the disease and cause irreversible changes of the skin.
What is phototherapy?
Phototherapy is a treatment that uses ultraviolet rays with spectrums of UVA (320-400 nm) and UVB (280-320) light. In recent years, the use of a broader spectrum of UVB rays has been replaced by the much more effective and safe UVB 311 nm narrowband wavelengths, which do not cause as many side effects.
Is phototherapy suitable for everyone?
Phototherapy does not suit patients who have increased skin sensitivity to sunlight (porphyria, lupus erythematosus or other diseases that are exarcebated by sunlight) or patients that have had skin cancer or serious diseases of the internal organs. This procedure is also not recommended for children. A medical consultation is necessary before prescribing this treatment.
Is phototherapy safe for treating psoriasis?
The GK Clinic’s Integrated Psoriasis Treatment Outpatient Centre is home to some of the most modern computerised Waldmann phototherapy equipment for effectively and safely treating psoriasis and other skin diseases. The computerized phototherapy equipment, an assessment of skin type as well as the identification of the minimum erythematous dose can all minimise the potentially harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation (phototoxic reactions and carcinogenic effects).
How many procedures are necessary?
Every individual patient needs a different number of procedures. On average, one treatment course requires 10-20 procedures.
How long is the procedure? Is it possible to perform the procedure during a lunch break?
The procedure itself lasts from 15-30 seconds to 10 minutes. As the GK Clinic is in the town centre, this is an ideal location for busy patients who can go straight back to work once the procedure is over.
If you have any questions, please contact our GK Clinic by phone at (+370) 5 255 33 53 and arrange a private consultation.
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