Cervical diseases usually have no specific symptoms. As a rule, in these cases, the menstrual cycle is not disrupted, there is no pain and no external symptoms.
There are three main classification groups: cervical background conditions (e.g.: ectopia, polyp, erosion), pre-cancer diseases and cancers. Under various adverse stimuli, background and pre-cancerous diseases can transfer into cancer.
Changes in the cervix may already be seen during a regular gynaecological examination. The main test to detect cervical lesions (both benign and cancerous), is a cytological smear.
The population of Finland is 5.2 million, and about 100 women die of cervical cancer. The population of Lithuania is 3 million, but this disease takes about 250 women’s lives, – three times more.
How did the Finns achieve such good results?
The opinion that young women who have never had pregnancies rarely suffer from these cervical diseases and that they require no treatment. Any changes in the cervix may progress into cancer, therefore, it is very important to notice and treat them in time. It is recommended to visit a gynaecologist 1-2 times a year.
Risk factors:
- Peculiarities of sexual life: big number of sexual partners, their change, lack of intimate hygiene, early start of sexual life;
- More than 5 pregnancies and childbirths;
- Smoking;
- Other sexually transmitted infections;
- Extended usage of contraceptives (over 10 years).
PAP smear results may indicate some changes in cervical cells. Do not panic! This may mean that the shape, size or placement of cells has changed, but this does not necessarily mean that the changed cells are cancerous.
CIN occurs when the normal cell formation process is disrupted in the area of connection of epithelial and cervical cells, namely, in the transformation zone.
Sexual life safety is very important for the primary prevention of the HPV infection. A new effective preventive tool is HPV vaccination.
Conservative sustained laser – surgical treatment performed at GK Clinic – vaporization of the changed cervical area or CO2 laser conisation. The essence of the method is the removal of diseased tissues. The laser can control the limited wavelength, directing the beam to the desired location. The tissue is turned into vapour and carbon. This treatment of pre-cancerous cervical lesions does not leave scars and does not disturb the cervical function, and the wound is coated with a new, healthy, multi-layered epithelium within three weeks. Currently this procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. Good results are achieved in up to 96% of patients. This is a widely used method for treating cervical cancer diseases.
If you have any questions, call our GK Clinic at: (+370 5) 255 33 53, +370 620 55599 and arrange for a private doctor’s consultation.